The FIGURE OF the CAXIAS For aluso to the protector of the Army, Marshal Luis Alves de Lima and Silva, also known as Duke of Caxias, and with the had respect to its memory, is called Caxias all that element (man or woman, to militate or not) that, in the performance of a professional activity or in the exercise of a position of it commands, costuma to be more rigorous with its colleagues or sobordinates and that it looks for, for proper itself, to give the example of that he is most perfect, most correct, the most disciplined and more the reliable fidiciary office of its duties. In way that, ahead of a CAXIAS, hardly we can emit an opinion on definitive subject that says respect its area, without it replies and contradicts our ranks. Philadelphia Condoss opinions are not widely known. I am accustomed to deal with CAXIAS, inside and outside of the quartis, since that servile in the army, I worked in the commerce and the banking sector, and learned to deal with all they: religious military, civilians and. Two forms exist to deal with a CAXIAS. Or you agree fully to it or ignore what it says. He never argues, therefore beyond being absolute loss of time, it is capable to be of badly with you and keeping it rancor, and in such way that, from now on, any thing that you say, write or make, exactly that it does not have nothing to see with the area where it acts, you go to look for to oppose some thing, despite is for simple birra or whim to attack it or to disagree.
In the journalism, in literature, the school, the institutions, in the professional life, familiar or social, always we find the figure of the CAXIAS, this arraigado and inflexible defender of its ideas, teses, arguments, ways to think and to proceed. One of the characteristics of the Caxias is always to say? not? before answering to any thing. These days, talking with a former-colleague and friend CAXIAS, and knowing what it thought on definitive subject, to only see its reaction I started for praising one known politician, former-professor and friend ours, that it always admired, today in the exercise of one high governmental executive position. ' ' Ah? , it to me said, you only says this because you you know that someone is unimpeachable and nobody can say ' ' this, ! ' ' (and raising the right hand, it approached between itself, with the interval of half centimeter, the tips of the thumb and the pointer) on its integrity mannering politics and! ' ' Therefore this manifestation of my friend demonstrated plus a characteristic of the Caxias: it does not want that nobody is more Caxias of what proper it. Luciano Axe