Home Heating Systems

To store it uses special containers, which are usually dig in the ground. Easier to use, and cheaper (not much) of gas only, electric heating boilers. However, the amount you see the bill for electricity, can greatly spoil the impression of a successful purchase. In addition, a powerful electric boiler requires a connection to a three-phase line voltage of 380 V, and carry it to my house and get permission the use of power equipment in many cases considerably more expensive than connecting to the gas main. On the same network with a voltage of 220 V, you can power the boiler heating capacity not more than 6-8 kW, and for the system heating of private houses, as a rule, not because heat loss at home in most cases exceed this amount. Yes, and allocated to house electrical power may be too small for regular work of the unit, Considering the need to use more power electrical appliances (eg cookers, pumping equipment, etc.). Therefore, the electric boiler should be considered as an extra in case of disruptions supply (though we have much more cut off electricity). Fuel oil heating boilers are almost as efficient and easy to operate, as well as gas and diesel oil but still significantly more expensive.

In addition, you will probably just have to equip the boiler, as apart from the boiler must be somewhere to place and fuel tanks (best to dig them into the ground). And the smell of diesel fuel is unlikely to add to your home comfort. And since the combustion diesel oil gives much more soot than gas, then clean the inner chamber of the need to regularly: if the soot layer exceeds 2 mm, the fuel consumption will increase by approximately 8%. But in general, if the connection to the gas pipeline is not possible, boiler fuel oil will be the best choice.