Note of the first group include the following information: the order of creation and size of the reserve and other funds of the society, if these funds are, of all created branches and representations of society on the order of formation and activities of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board), order the termination of office of members of this body and the competence of its chairman, if this body is in society is created, the rules of formation and functions of the audit commission (auditor), and the manner of the audit commission (auditor), created (elected) in societies with more than 15 participants in the mandatory order in the rest – at the request of participants, the number of members and terms of the collective executive body, the manner of its activities and decision-making if its education provided by the charter. K note of the second group are the details: the timing of the next general meeting of the company, which approved the annual performance of the society on the order of the General Meeting members of society, the period for which a sole executive body elected by the society. The Law on Company contains a large number of norms that provide the founders of the society the right (but does not oblige them) to include charter establishing certain additional: additional rights and additional responsibilities of the company, the assets that can not be a contribution to the registered capital, for more than established by the Law on Limited Liability Companies number of votes required for a decision to increase the authorized capital of the company due to its property; establishing a time limit for making additional contributions by members of society and many others. .