Federal Government

The new online brand offers “Energy for bargain hunters” (Munich, December 18, 2009) since this week it is online: the Internet site of the new energy brand DISCOUNTERS power, that consumers gives the possibility, for its power to spend less in the future. Like the brand name suggests, DISCOUNTER power deliberately communicates a cheap power image’ and offers its customers a simple and individual approach with everyone in his region can save optimally. “” The concept of discount power: In the online shop of discount power energy is from the abstract and inaccessible for many customers product “figuratively a commodity, which you can easily and quickly to his virtual basket and home” can take. DISCOUNT power would like to as comfortable as possible make the switch and save its customers? The reason is obvious: everyone consumes power today, and everyone must it inevitably spend money. Many consumers are still skeptical, if it comes to the exchange of Energy suppliers are. The unfounded fear, his power provider itself terminate to and may be there for a certain time without power supply, for many, is still more severe than the chance for its consumed power to spend less in the future. While the to switch power providers as possibility for every consumer since the energy industry Act adopted.

In 2009, even the Federal Government has prompted to compare electricity tariffs in detail and, if necessary, to change the current provider. DISCOUNT power wants to take the fear of switching its customers through its transparent and simple savings model: on the website explains not only tariff and conditions be provided all learn more customer-friendly: so every interested party learns, for example, immediately, additional costs to change, that the power of course is not interrupted and that DISCOUNTER current no Are to be paid cash in advance and no deposit. Read additional details here: Clayton Morris. In addition, DISCOUNTER current excites visitors provides still more information available, such as FAQ, saving tips, and a detailed glossary of power. “The rate of discount power: with the flexible plan of RegioPlus50 and the so-called 2 + 1 cent guarantee” save customers at discount stores electricity in comparison to their local basic utilities and must therefore not worry over final prices: each spent kilowatt-hour (kWh) is at least 2 cents cheaper than the current general tariff of local basic utility. In addition, a further cent per kWh as a discount on the first invoice is granted.

Each new customer gets a bonus of Exchange amounting to EUR 50 credit also DISCOUNTER electricity as welcome gift on his account. How exactly the saving fails depending on the region, reveals the “cheap Calculator” on the website of discount power: here giving his zip code, the number of persons in the household, and the easy an average annual consumption, and already the cheap computer displays the personal and individual quote. Then, the SSL certified order process ensures a secure order with discount power.