The birth of a child – it's always a holiday. Of course, as befits every holiday, it passes quickly and gives way to endless series of everyday life. Young parents need to address many issues related to the provision of child favorable conditions for growth and development. At first, they have the support of the Social Insurance Fund. This state, therefore, supports the parents' newborn babies. After all, if you will not be born children, the nation doomed to extinction. Payments are most often young mothers. But the law can get, and other family members: fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers.
The amount of assistance can initially provide the child with everything they need. Further, all content of the kid falls on the shoulders of parents. But we are now talking only about material needs. For some reason, many parents believe that their case – to give the child clothes, shoes, food, shelter and a minimum of entertainment. A to educate children must state, kindergarten, school, college.
It turns out that most teachers of our children are the street and television. This is fundamentally wrong and irresponsible! Immunize your child social and universal values is only possible in the family. And only in the family can teach a child to independence. It is not so important to leave to his successor an apartment, how to teach him to earn enough so he could buy himself accommodation. It should not only seek to give a child everything you need, but also teach his own to support themselves. Most parents overlook this important aspect of education. But you can teach a child to adulthood live wisely and in that time for him to form a capital that he can manage and dispose of at their discretion. Make it helps children's cumulative insurance. If your coming of age child will have at its disposal a large enough amount, you can use to pay for tuition or to make another major investment in the future.