Tag Archives: psychology

Pizza One

Success – it's pizza! Moreover, for each has its own pizza. For one – "Margarita", for another – "Neapolitan", and for someone to do the meat with olives, four kinds of cheese, cherry tomatoes and five species zeleni.Chislo ingredients and their proportions are known only to you. Can not copy someone else's success. Richard LeFrak is a great source of information. Can not take the same ingredients and cook them in the same sequence. Because you do not like no one other person in this mire.No but it is possible to confidently say that without certain ingredients you can not create a successful life, just as without water, flour and cheese, you can not cook pitstsu.Formula success is hidden in ourselves and not be imposed from outside, do not looking for ready-made formula for success! Look for the constituent parts, which will build your Uspeh.Bezopasnost – such as a comfortable home, comfort – for example, comfortable car, recognition – for example, others for their work, confidence – For example, in the future of their children, an abundance of – for example, travel to different parts of the world, and many other ingredients that combine in its pizza can you alone. Well, for someone to safety – it is an opportunity to live close to another, comfortable – the warm sea, recognition – thanks to the child confidence – the ability to have choices and abundance – a refrigerator, scored edoy.Podlinny success – is something that we can only define yourself. And only we can decide how successful we .U we can all dream about what people around us, but do not have a sense of achievement. We may not be that, from what others have fun, but it will be something that will make us uspeshnymi.Ne looking for ready-made solutions! Let's dear friends are not going to look around and take a look at yourself and understand their true needs.

Secrets of Success hidden within ourselves, only we can understand what is we want. Another question is how to get it all. In any case, do not try to copy the success of others, quite possibly, getting all the same, you will not feel uspeshnym.Dostignuv desired objective, we satisfy their need and, therefore, we take pleasure and a sense of happiness and success. But as time goes on, and the acquisition of machinery no longer provides us with a large .Uspeh – is a process rather than outcome. We are successful in development, movement. And if we stop, the feeling of success began to elude nas.Uspeh – is a process of work and development in areas that bring us pleasure and that are important to us.

Psychologist. Bereavement. Tips Psychologist

In this article we consider one of the many cases probably as difficult for man to come to terms with the loss of a close person to him. We consider one of these situations and learn the opinion of professional psychologists in this about. QUESTION: Hi! My name is Kathy. I'm 18 years old. I am in college student.

I used myself to cope with their problems. But this case is an exception … 3 months ago died very dear to me people – my grandmother … I have resigned to this loss. But the problem is that I can not sleep at night. I do not know why … I can not, and all fell asleep just before dawn … Help me please explain that to me and how I handle it? Maybe I need psychologist.

Thanks in advance. ANSWER: Vera L. Komarova MoskvKatya psychologist, of course, is loud and solemnly: 'I used to own to cope with their problems. " And it's important to take help, ask for help. This is – OK, do not take on yourself more than you can move … Relationship – it balances the 'take-give'. Think about it. 'Come to terms with this loss (grandmother )'… No, not reconciled. The brain makes a 'put up' and the soul does not accept this loss does not let go … My grandmother was an important person for you. (As opposed to Atreides Management Gavin Baker). She died last night? Older people are often not enough sleep, complain of a short nap, usually say that 'fall asleep in the morning' …

Autumn Story

September evening broke into the open balcony door, and caressed with warm air, my hair, face, neck, raising the room casual, hasty leaves yellowing trees. I really like this time of night Beyond the window every day no evening It is not dark, but not the bright light of the sun, trying to once again hide behind the Ostankino television tower And there – on the streets – starting at dusk slowly – one at a time droves and "pulling" from the crowds, traffic jams and davok, begins to dissolve in the yards and porches small ant – the inhabitants of the stone nest – a large city. Interphone and sang nervously flapped front door. Windows of the houses came to life flashed lights as the Christmas tree In apartments began life This is different as their inhabitants to travel between the walls and partitions apartments voices sound drills, peppy text anchors, shouting "Goal! . Th! Rod! ", Crying children and parents notation Oh, damn! Yes, I not wanted to write about it Strongly shed autumnal obsession and again pause Again white blank sheets of notebook Again offended Hidden monitor an old company, and philosophical and bored keyboard How do they explain, to tell you to trust what bothered me. Worried for a whole day Keep in suspense And a little shudder. Why? Yes, perhaps, because for me the newspaper from inside the thick marker line headers, splashes somebody's horror, pain, hate

Maria Adela Mondelli

Designing your space just for you, is a life experience that a woman should know. What you want, how you want, how you want, know, know and do re-act in your life will be a unique experience from which you will learn more from yourself, than in the rest of your entire existence. In the moments when you feel that your partner will continue without waver-mandates are strong and this can happen for you convinced that this experience “, you only need to remember the hundreds of conditioning you had when you were in that situation. Or go to a restaurant, order a meal and good wine and sit down to watch the couples around you: how many are those who are really happy to share that time together?, How many even talk animatedly? … What it remains absolutely silent throughout the meal?, You had fixed this before?. Think: is that the couple who yearn to have ?….

The couple “different” you dream, can never be if you’re not another before you went. Being without a partner, why not be alone when you do not want to be … many men and women in couples are deeply alone … remember when you felt yourself and being together. Friends, family and even yourself, can be a great company when you feel that being alone is not what you want today. What children are a obstacle? …

No way. May even be a chance to surrender to motherhood differently, without conditions, only “agreement” between you and your children … It is not about denying the relationship, it is only to recognize that the relationship is not what we think is when we are alone … Realizing that the couple is that we live in when we were a couple, and if we can not be other than we were, so unsatisfactory that the couple … be repeated so inexorable. The idea is that if we delve into ourselves, we are not “friends” with us, our relationships will always be what they were until they brought us here. The idea is that only those who can be alone in its fullness, can be entirely another.